Probate and the Administration of a Person’s Will or Estate

Losing a loved one can be an overwhelming process. Not only is there the emotional toll to handle, but there can also be logistical issues that arise when someone dies and leaves their estate to family members, just as there can be conflicts that arise in the following the terms of the will.
This is where probate attorneys come in, and how they can help make one of the hardest times in your life just a little easier to bear.
First things first: What does probate mean? Probate is a legal process wherein a will is reviewed and determined as valid and authentic. It can also mean the general administration of a person’s will and estate, or the estate of a person who died without a will.
We’re proponents of making sure the latter never happens to you, and we can help with estate planning in various ways.
At Terrazas Henkel P.C., our attorneys understand how personal the probate process works, and our team is as involved as families would like them to be. Many of our clients choose to hand the entire process over to us, while others just need our expertise and advice in certain areas.
Having an attorney help during the probate process can bring some peace of mind if conflicts arise, as can be the case if the deceased made verbal promises to family members and those promises were not reflected in the will, for example. Even if there is a will, family members and others can contest its validity.
Knowing you’ve got the best attorneys on your side during this process gives you the confidence you need to move forward through the probate process and make it as painless as possible for you and your loved ones during a time of loss.
Give us a call and connect with one of our attorneys to get started; we want to know our clients on a personal level, to ensure we’re protecting what matters. Call 406-541-2550 to get started.