Discrimination in the Workplace: Montana Laws

Discrimination at Work

Discrimination in the workplace can make a business uninviting, unwelcoming and can also earn that business a poor reputation among prospective employees. And while discrimination can affect your business negatively, it can also lead to legal wrangling. 

Workplace safety is a top priority for the best employers and is often discussed in relation to the employees’ physical safety. This is a top priority, but feeling safe in a workplace is about more than ensuring everyone goes home in one piece. 

Federal and Montana Employment Laws

The federal law has determined it is illegal to discriminate against employees and job applicants based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or age. 

Those laws also apply in Montana, where it is illegal to discriminate when:

  • Discharging, refusing to hire, or when considering a person’s compensation or privileges of employment
  • Denying a reasonable maternity leave or refusing to reinstate an employee following the leave
  • Retaliating against someone filing or who has filed a complaint with the relevant agencies, is participating in an investigation with said agencies, or opposed discriminatory practices

Employment Laws Change

Employment laws have been changed on various levels, most recently concerned with COVID-19 and vaccines. Our experienced attorneys can help guide you to ensure your business is staying up to date on the latest laws,

If you think you’ve been a victim of employment discrimination, we’re also here to listen and talk you through your options. Call us at 406-541-2550 to set up an appointment today.